Citation Style Guides (online & print)

Setting Up and Using the "New" RefWorks

Creating an Account

  1. Go to and click the “sign up” link.
  2. Fill in your information making sure to use your institutional email address (you can’t sign up with,, etc.).
  3. Check your email inbox and activate your account.

Adding References

Use the "Add References" menu (+):

screenshot with 'Add Reference' menu

  • Upload or drag-n-drop an article or other source document (MSOffice, OpenOffice, or pdf). If there is metadata attached, it will automatically load into a new record. Tip: drag multiple documents at once.
  • With "Create new reference," as you manually enter the title, keep an eye on the lower right corner of the screen. RefWorks may be able to find and import your data quickly.

Adding Documents to Existing Reference Records

  1. Click on a reference to view the record on the right side of the screen.
  2. Click on the words "Find full text using link resolver."
  3. The system will search YU's databases to try to retrieve the full text document.

Sharing a Collection

screenshot with sharing menu

screenshot with sharing settings

Why Cite Your Sources? (Copyright 2014 Lehman College video