Register and Reinstate Alumni E-Resouces Access
Register or Reinstate an alumni account, please fill out this form.
Once you have an account, you can use the premium resources listed below.
* Please note: Each user is responsible for his/her alumni account, including safeguarding of access, and should not share his/her password. Violations can lead to an account suspension.
E-Resources for Alumni – A customizable Torah study platform whose mission is to make advanced Torah study more accessible and understandable for all. It features the core texts of a full Torah library (Tanakh, Talmud, and Halakhic Codes), accompanied by scores of commentaries, learning tools (including a One-Click-Concordance, powerful search engine, and Tanakh Lab) and topical analyses.
Bar Ilan Online Judaic Responsa - Presently, Bar Ilan Responsa Project does not work on mobile devices connected remotely.
Limited to 10 concurrent users. Please log out when finished. Includes Responsa literature, the Bible, the Talmud and their principal commentaries; works about Jewish law and customs; major codes of Jewish law, such as Maimonides' Mishneh Torah and the Shulchan Aruch with its principal commentaries; midrashim, Zohar, etc.
Base Hasefer - A Tanach-based database that allows for searches such as Otiot, Nekudot and Te’amim. Other such features include Parsha Viewer, Frequency Viewer, Taam Parser, Object Clouds and Tanach Family Tree, as well as context-sensitive actions and a unique combination of search options.
Catalogue of Illuminated Esther Scrolls - It is the only catalogue containing a significant number of existing illuminated scrolls presented in a comprehensive manner, with their illuminations, descriptions and specifications. This research project is still at work, but its first part is now available to all.
Comprehensive English-Yiddish Dictionary
Comprehensive Yiddish-English Dictionary
Gross Family Collection - Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv, is one of the largest and most important private collections of Judaica of our times and we are extremely grateful for the possibility to include photographs and descriptions of objects from the collection into the Index of Jewish Art. The work on the Gross Collection has just started, but we are glad to make the website public.
Online Wiener Archive - Beginning its coverage with the Germany of the late 1920's, the collection comprises official correspondence of Nazi agencies from the 1930's and 1940's; official documents from concentration camps; official documents of various Jewish agencies and associations that were active before and during the war; personal letters that illuminate the condition of Jews in occupied Europe and as refugees after the war. An additional section of the collection focuses on the activities of Nazi courts. It includes hundreds of transcripts of trials conducted in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia against civilians accused of 'crimes' against the regime.
Otzar HaHochma - Limited to 15 concurrent users. Please log out when finished.
Digital library of over 90,000 Hebrew books on the Bible, Mishnah, Talmud, Jewish law, and Jewish thought.
To Print: Click printer icon in vertical menu to left of the document, enter a page range, and click הדפס.
For PDF, choose "Save as PDF" as printer destination and then click SAVE.
REFWORKS (Log into your Refworks account, not YUAD, you can register an account with your YU Alumni email address) - Bibliographic management tool to import references from documents or databases; automatically insert references into your paper, and generate formatted bibliographies and manuscripts.
SAGE Premier Journals - Find full text of articles in over 645 journals in the Social Sciences & Humanities, Health Sciences, Life & Biomedical Sciences, and Materials Science & Engineering.
Slovenian Jewish Heritage - This site is a result of our collaborative research project with Slovenian colleagues and it contains all buildings, ceremonial objects, Jewish tombstones and Hebrew manuscripts found in the Republic of Slovenia. A festive inauguration of the site will take place later.
Talmud Text Databank - Manuscripts, first editions, and Cairo Geniza fragments of the Babylonian Talmud, plus more than 1,700 digital photographs of Mishnah and Talmud fragments. Click on the closed book icon for a link to the text at and click on the open book icon for additional bibliographic details. Also includes the Index of References for Talmudic Literature (link on top right of database page), which lists bibliographic references to the textual location.
Talmudic Encyclopedia אנציקלופדיה תלמודית - Located on the bottom right of the Bar Ilan Responsa page. Scroll down and click the + next to אנציקלופדיה תלמודית. Covers each Halacha from Sinai, through the Talmudic deliberations and to literature of the Rishonim and Achronim.
Yeshiva Academic Institutional Repository (YAIR) - Access to Research and scholarship from YU faculty, staff, and students.
Alumni/ae Access Policies
- Checking out books
- Fill out registration card at the circulation desk.
- $25/semester
- Time frame: immediate
- Online resource access for Alumni/ae
- See resources available at
- Register for an account by clicking the link at that site or
- Time frame: usually 1 day
- Use of YULIS PCs (*any extant alumni accounts on Academic Computers will eventually be purged)
- Try to log into Academic Computer*. If unsuccessful, try logging into YULIS PC. If unsuccessful, follow next steps:
- Fill out paper form obtained at Circ Desk, which requests info such as birth date.
- email with login info will be sent
- Time frame: usually 1 day
- Printing & Copying
- Ask at circulation desk for a printing/copying card.
- Fill out online form on designated PC. Then swipe the card at that PC to initiate it
- Add $ to card by swiping it at kiosk next to copier. [$.20/page; $1.00/color page]
- To copy, swipe card at copier.
- To print, send print job to PC from a YULIS PC, and swipe card at release station to release job.