Formatting Guidelines
To be eligible for graduation, doctoral students must submit their dissertations for publication to both ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global and the Yeshiva Academic Institutional Repository.
Before your document is published, it may require additional review and preparation; please check the Dissertations Formatting Guidelines for each school:
- Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education & Administration -- Formatting Guidelines
- Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law
- Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies -- Formatting Guidelines (revised, May 2021)
- Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology -- Formatting Guidelines
- Katz School of Science and Health -- Formatting Guidelines
- Wurzweiler School of Social Work -- Formatting Guidelines
You can contact Wilf Campus Writing Center or Beren Campus Writing Center if you need help.
In addition, ProQuest's Preparing Your Manuscript guide offers additional information on formatting the PDF. ProQuest ETD Administrator Resources and Guidelines web page offers several guides to assist you in preparing your PDF, choosing publishing options, learning about copyright considerations and more.
Dissertation Submission
* Please contact the Office of the Registrar before submitting the dissertations.
When you are certain your graduation status is approved by the Office of the Registrar, please follow these steps to complete the publication process.
- Go to and create an account.
Some items to have on hand:
A PDF copy of your dissertation/thesis. This must be a single file. If your manuscript is in Word or RTF format, we can convert it into a PDF.
Optional Supplementary files (images, data, etc.) that are an integral part of the dissertation/thesis but not part of the full text.
Advisor and other Committee Members' Names
Subject Categories - 1 - 3 that best describe your dissertation/thesis' subject area. (Subject Category List) - Choose your ProQuest publication type
a. Traditional Publishing (Free): your thesis will only be viewable to an individual or institutional ProQuest subscribers
b. Open Access Publishing PLUS ($95.00): your thesis will be available freely to internet users via ProQuest databases. You don't need to pay for Open Access Publishing Plus because you can choose Open Access in Yeshiva Academic Institutional Repository publishing Options. - Choose your IR (Yeshiva Academic Institutional Repository) publishing Options
Yeshiva Academic Institutional Repository, an Open Access database, searchable via Google Scholar, makes our scholarship available to researchers freely via the internet. - Purchase bound copies
- Optional: Copyright Registration
ProQuest offers the optional service of registering your copyright on your behalf. The dissertation author owns the copyright to their dissertation regardless of copyright registration. - Submit
Thank you for contributing your scholarship to the library collections. If, for any reason, you would like your dissertation or thesis excluded from the Yeshiva Academic Institutional Repository, please e-mail with your request.
A note about copyright
Whether publishing to ProQuest or the Yeshiva Academic Institutional Repository, please understand that you, the author, retain copyright to your work.
For more information on copyright, including avoiding copyright infringement in your dissertation or thesis, see this guide from ProQuest:
Order additional bound copies
Once your dissertation has been published by ProQuest (please wait for the email notification from ProQuest), you may place an order for copies directly through your ProQuest ETD student account, or order from ProQuest Dissertation Copy Options.
Please note that you can always contact Customer Service at ProQuest to order more copies.
Dissertation Correction
Please refer to ProQuest Dissertation/Thesis Correction Policy. The library will update the PDF file in YAIR.