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Hindishe Lee

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Hindishe Lee
Hedi Steinberg Library
Hindishe Lee holds an MLS from Columbia University, BA in mathematics from Stern College, YU, and BS in Jewish Education from Teacher's Institute for Women,YU. She has been with Hedi Steinberg Library since her college days as a student work-study and as a professional librarian for 37 years. She also reorganized and supervised, on a volunteer basis, the school library of Bnos Sanz, the girls' elementary yeshiva of Sanz-Klausenberg, in Union City, NJ, from 2009, for approximately 5 years.

Hindishe has published scholarly articles on Judaic Studies. Beyond the library, she writes poetry, creates and sells handmade Jewish greeting cards and hones her science skills with online courses in physics. In her library classes, she tries to imbue students with an excitement towards the research process - to view it as an adventure.

My Guides

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