Chemical Structures
- ChemTube 3DInteractive 3D structures
Learn Chemistry (RSC)
- The Chemistry and Biology of Nucleic AcidsAn E-book by Professor Tom Brown and Tom Brown Junior
Other Learning Sites
- ChemCollectiveVirtual labs, activities, tutorials, and tests
- ChemEd DL- Chemistry Education Digital LibraryPeriodic Table, Models, Stereochemistry, and more
- Chemistry GuideDirectory of Chemistry resources
- Chemistry Resources for Students and TeachersElements, lectures, and demonstrations
- ChemTutorHelp with Chemistry concepts
- Clutch- ChemistryChemistry infographics and guides
- Clutch Video Tutorials- Organic ChemistryVideo tutorials for Organic Chemistry
- Course Hero- Organic ChemistryOnline learning platform with practice problems, study guides, videos, class notes, and step-by-step explanations
- Khan Academy - ChemistryPractice resources and instructional videos
- National Science Digital LibraryOnline resources in STEM
- National Science Foundation- Chemistry and MaterialsArticles, news, and discoveries
- Organic Chemistry Help!Forums, mechanisms, practice tests, tutorials/guides, and laboratory help