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Physician Assistant Studies: Evidence-Based Practice: LibKey Full Text

based on a guide by UT Health San Antonio

What is LibKey

LibKey provides one-click access to library-licensed and open access full text journal articles through three tools:

  • LibKey Instant PDF  - Provides one-click access to full-text articles in YUFind and Library databases.
  • LibKey Nomad -  A browser extension that connects to full text articles on websites, including publishers' sites, PubMed, and Wikipedia..
  • LibKey.i.o  - Allows users to input a DOI or PMID and connect to the full text of articles.



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Follow these steps to set up and use LibKey Nomad.

  • Find and download the LibKey Nomad extension for your browser.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions.
  • Select Yeshiva University as your institution.

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LibKey Nomad

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