collage of nurses in a slightly abstract aesthetic

Welcome! Please find below search strategies and techniques to better find the sources you want and need.

Use Keywords

  • Use keywords (the words with the most significance).
    • Experiment with keywords by going broad and alternatively going specific (e.g., "fungal infections" vs. blastomycosis).
    • Try to anticipate the words and terms professionals would use.
  • Put quotations around phrases.
    • A search for end of life might return results with the words separated, but "end of life" will return results with the words in that exact order.

Limit with Filters

  • You can limit and tidy up your results with filters (often found at the top or on the left side of results).
    • Adjust the publication date to the last 5 years as nursing and health sciences are continually affected by developments.
    • Select the source types that will have the information you're looking for (mostly journals and books), excluding the types that will not.
  • Notice that CINAHL Complete has filters especially useful such as:
    • Having the first author (or any author) be a nurse.
    • Specifying the age group of subject/participants.
    • Selecting special interests (or focus) like evidence-based practice, etc.

Advanced Searches

  • Break up the intersecting ideas of your search so you can select where you search for keywords with the corresponding dropdowns, and you can utilize Boolean operators.  
  • Boolean operators are terms you can use to broaden or narrow your search—the three basic operators are: AND, OR, and NOT.
    • AND links keywords and phrases (e.g., competencies AND nursing)
    • OR allows for related keywords and phrases (e.g., cancer OR oncology)
    • NOT excludes keywords and phrases (e.g., dementia NOT Alzheimer's)

Example: ("mental health" OR depression OR anxiety) AND TI (yoga OR "tai chi" OR qigon) AND SO nursing

First row. Mental health in quotes, OR in all caps, depression, OR in all caps, anxiety. Second row. Yoga, OR in all caps, tai chi in quotes, OR in all caps, qigon. Corresponding dropdown set to title. Third row. Nursing. Corresponding dropdown set to journal title slash source.