On This Page:

I'm using Google for preliminary research.


Because of the nature of my assignment, Google should provide the sources I need.

Find Info on the Open Web


Searches the open web for information. Beware of unreliable sources!

  • Use for preliminary research.
  • But make sure your prof's okay with web info for your final assignment.

Search Engines

While Google is most often used to search for information on the Internet, there are other search engines that are worth examining.

DuckDuckGo doesn't track your searches.

DogPile gets the best from other search engines.  It is also known as a "metasearch engine."

Bing and Yahoo! are other options.

The CRAAP Test: Evaluating Material from the Web with a Skeptical Eye

Apply the CRAAP test to materials you find on the Internet to be sure you have found appropriate resources.

C: Currency -- When was it published?  Updated?

R: Relevance -- Does the information relate to my topic?  What audience was it written for?

A: Authority -- Who is the creator? Author? Are they qualified? Does the URL tell you anything? (.edu, .gov, .com, etc)

A: Accuracy -- Are there references?  Are there errors? Broken links?

P: Purpose -- Is the information opinion or fact? Scholarly? Biased? Is it balanced?