
The Herman Prins Salomon Fellowship was founded with the intention of bringing scholars and students together to learn about the Western Sephardic community and the scholarship of Professor Herman Prins Salomon, who served as professor in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures at SUNY Albany for over 40 years.  Professor Salomon was also the editor of the American Sephardi, a scholarly magazine published by Yeshiva University.  As a scholar, Professor Salomon amassed an interesting and varied collection of books documenting Sephardi life and culture, many of which have been added to the Mendel Gottesman Library at Yeshiva University.  The fellow will conduct research and utilize works from the Salomon collection and the rich Mendel Gottesman Library collection.  At the conclusion of the research period, the scholar will present a lecture to students, faculty, and invited guests.