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General History and Handbooks
- Handbuch des Antisemitismus byCall Number: DS145 H355 2008 (Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: 2008
- The Politics of Genocide: The Holocaust in Hungary byCall Number: DS135 H9 B74 2016 (Gottesman and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 2016
- The Origins of the Final Solution: The Evolution of Nazi Jewish Policy, September 1939-March 1942 byCall Number: D804.3 B773 2004 (Gottesman and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 2004
- The Complete Black Book of Russian Jewry byCall Number: DS135 R92 C5713 2002 (Gottesman and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 2002
- The Holocaust : A History of the Jews of Europe during the Second World War byCall Number: D810 J4 G522 1986 (Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 1986
- The Routledge Atlas of the Holocaust byCall Number: G1797.21 E29 G56 2002 (Gottesman Reference and Stern Judaica Reference)Publication Date: 2002
- The Oxford Handbook of Holocaust Studies byCall Number: D804.3 O94 2010 (Gottesman Reference and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 2010
- The Destruction of the European Jews byCall Number: DS135 E83 H5 1985 (Gottesman, Gottesman Reference, and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 1985
- Historical Atlas of the Holocaust byCall Number: G1797.21 E29 H5 1996 (Gottesman Reference and Stern Judaica Reference)Publication Date: 1996
- What We Knew: Terror, Mass Murder, and Everyday Life in Nazi Germany: An Oral History byCall Number: DD256.5 J64 2005b (Gottesman and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 2005
- Hitler, the Germans, and the Final Solution byCall Number: DD247 H5 K47 2008 (Gottesman and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 2008
- Holocaust: The Nazi Persecution and Murder of the Jews byCall Number: D804.3 L66413 2010 (Gottesman and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 2010
- The Nazi Holocaust: Historical Articles on the Destruction of European Jews byCall Number: D804.3 N39 (Gottesman Reference and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 1989
- Hitler's Shadow War: The Holocaust and World War II byCall Number: DS135 G3315 M43 2002 (Gottesman and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 2002
- Jews in France during World War II byCall Number: DS135 F83 P67513 2001 (Gottesman and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 2001
- Six Years of Hitler: The Jews Under the Nazi Regime byCall Number: 933.47 W253 (Gottesman Basement)Publication Date: 1939
- The Holocaust, the French, and the Jews byCall Number: DS135 F83 Z83 1993 (Gottesman and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: S. Zuccotti
Religious Aspects
- Torah From the Years of Wrath, 1939-1943: The Historical Context of the Aish Kodesh byCall Number: BS1225 K2753 A27 2017 (Gottesman)Publication Date: 2017
- Faith After the Holocaust byCall Number: BM645 H6 B47 (Pollack, Gottesman, and Stern)Publication Date: 1973
- With God in Hell: Judaism in the Ghettos and Deathcamps byCall Number: BM645 H6 B48 (Gottesman and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 1979
- The Faith and Doubt of Holocaust Survivors byCall Number: BM 645 H6 B73 (Pollack, Gottesman, and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 1980
- Hidden in Thunder: Perspectives on Faith, Halakhah, and Leadership During the Holocaust byCall Number: D804.3 F363613 2007 (Gottesman and Stern)Publication Date: 2007
- The Holocaust and its Religious Impact: A Critical Assessment and Annotated Bibliography byCall Number: Z6374 H6 F5735 2004 (Gottesman Reference and Stern Judaica Reference)Publication Date: 2004
- With Fury Poured Out: A Torah Perspective on the Holocaust byCall Number: BM645 H6 M38 1986 (Gottesman and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 1986
- Theological and Halakhic Reflections on the Holocaust byCall Number: BM645 H6 T44 1992 (Gottesman and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 1992
- בקרובי אקדש: אסופה תיעודית על מעשים של קידוש השם ומסירות נפש בימי החורבן של byCall Number: BM 645 H6 A35 2004 (Gottesman)Publication Date: 2004
- ספר מעמק הבכא : שאלות ותשובות byCall Number: 296.574 E27 (Gottesman Closed Shelf)Publication Date: 1948
- מגיא ההרגה: ספר שאלות ותשובות byCall Number: 296.574 E27M 1960 (Gottesman Closed Shelf)Publication Date: 1960
- האמונה היהודית והשואה במחשבה היהודית הדתית בארה"ב בשנים byCall Number: REF6374 H6 G73 1999 (Gottesman and Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: 1999
- משפטיך תהום רבה: תגובות הגותיות אורתודוקסיות לשואה byCall Number: BM645 H6 M586 2016 (Gottesman)Publication Date: 2016
- שארית הפליטה והשואה: רשימת מאמרים וספרים על השקפות בעניני האמונה byCall Number: Z6374 H6 S44 1994 (Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: 1994
- שאלות ותשובות ממעמקים byCall Number: BM522.75 S37 (Gottesman, Gottesman Reference, and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 1959
- ספר בינת נבונים : דברי הסבר עד כמה שניתן הדבר להסביר מפני מה שלח ה' את השואה ומה הלקח שאנחנו צריכים ללמוד ממנה byCall Number: BM645 H6 R33 2011 (Gottesman and Stern)Publication Date: 2011
- Fragments of Hell: Israeli Holocaust Literature byCall Number: PJ5012 H65 A26 2019 (Gottesman; also available as eBook)Publication Date: 2019
- On the Edge of the Holocaust: The Shoah in Latin American Literature and Culture byCall Number: PN810 H65 A49 2016 (Gottesman; also available as eBook)Publication Date: 2016
- The Resonance of Dust: Essays on Holocaust Literature and Jewish Fate byCall Number: PN56.3 J4 A4 (Gottesman and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 1979
- Images from the Holocaust: A Literature Anthology byCall Number: D811.5 I53 1997 (Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 1997
- The Oryx Holocaust Sourcebook byCall Number: Z6374 H6 F47 2002 (Stern Judaica Reference)Publication Date: 2002
- Gender and Destiny: Women Writers and the Holocaust byCall Number: D810 J4 H393 1986 (Gottesman and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 1986
- The Fantastic in Holocaust Literature and Film: Critical Perspectives byCall Number: PN56 H55 F368 2015 (Gottesman)Publication Date: 2015
- Holocaust Literature: An Encyclopedia of Writers and their Work byCall Number: PN56 H55 H67 2003 (Gottesman Reference and Stern Judaica Reference)Publication Date: 2003
- Representing the Holocaust in Children's Literature byCall Number: PN56 H55 K66 2003 (Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 2003
- Hurban: Responses to Catastrophe in Hebrew Literature byCall Number: PJ5008 M568 1984 (Gottesman and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 2003
- Encyclopedia of Holocaust Literature byCall Number: PN56 H55 E53 2002 (Gottesman Reference and Stern Judaica Reference)Publication Date: 2002
- Meaningful Encounters: Preparing Educators to Teach Holocaust Literature byCall Number: PN56 H55 R48 2019 (Gottesman)Publication Date: 2019
- Reference Guide to Holocaust Literature byCall Number: PN56 H55 R43 2002 (Gottesman Reference and Stern Judaica Reference)Publication Date: 2002
- Bearing Witness: A Resource Guide to Literature, Poetry, Music, and Videos by Holocaust Victims and Survivors byCall Number: Z6374 H6 R67 2002 (Gottesman Reference and Stern Judaica Reference)Publication Date: 2003
- The Literature of Destruction: Jewish Responses to Catastrophe byCall Number: DS102 L54 (Pollack, Gottesman, and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 1988
- Holocaust Literature: A History and Guide byCall Number: PN56 H55 R67 2012 (Gottesman and Stern Judaica; also available as eBook)Publication Date: 2012
- Holocaust Novelists byCall Number: PN56 H55 H676 2004 (Gottesman Reference and Stern Judaica Reference)Publication Date: 2004
- Learning About — the Holocaust: Literature and Other Resources for Young People byCall Number: Z6374 H6 S74 1995 (Stern Judaica Reference)Publication Date: 1995
- The Holocaust in Literature for Youth: A Guide and Resource Book byCall Number: Z6374 H6 S85 1999 (Gottesman Reference and Stern Judaica Reference)Publication Date: 1999
- Teaching Holocaust Literature byCall Number: PN56 H55 T43 2001 (Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 2001
- Hebrew Literature in the Wake of the Holocaust byCall Number: PJ5012 H65 H43 1993 (Gottesman and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 1993
- The Holocaust in Hebrew Literature: From Genocide to Rebirth byCall Number: PJ5012 H65 Y87 1983 (Gottesman and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 1983
- Depiction and Interpretation: The Influence of the Holocaust on the Visual Arts byCall Number: N7417.6 A45 1993 (Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 1993
- Art of the Holocaust byCall Number: N7417.6 B59 (Gottesman Folio and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 1981
- After Auschwitz: Responses to the Holocaust in Contemporary Art byCall Number: N7417.6 A33 1995Publication Date: 1995
- Holocaust Cinema Complete: A History and Analysis of 300 Films, with a Teaching Guide byCall Number: On order (expected soon)Publication Date: 2021
- The Holocaust in American Film byCall Number: PN1995.9 H53 D66 2002 (Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 2002
- Cinema and the Shoah: An Art Confronts the Tragedy of the Twentieth Century byCall Number: PN1995.9.H53 C55413 2010 (Gottesman Reference and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 2010
- Holocaust and the Moving Image: Representations in Film and Television since 1933 byCall Number: PN1995.9 H53 H65 2005 (Gottesman and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 2005
- Nazis and the Holocaust on the American Musical Stage byCall Number: ML1711 H38 2012 (Gottesman and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 2012
- Judenmord: Art and the Holocaust in Post-War Germany byCall Number: N72.H63 H6313 2018 (Gottesman)Publication Date: 2018
- Impossible Images: Contemporary Art After the Holocaust byCall Number: N72 H63 I46 2003 (Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 2003
- Stages of Annihilation: Theatrical Representations of the Holocaust byCall Number: PN1879 H65 I86 1997 (Gottesman and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 1997
- Holocaust Representation: Art Within the Limits of History and Ethics byCall Number: D804.3 L2434 2000 (Gottesman)Publication Date: 2000
- The Holocaust and the Non-Representable: Literary and Photographic Transcendence byCall Number: D804.348 .P3884 2018 (Gottesman)Publication Date: 2018
- The Holocaust Film Sourcebook byCall Number: Z6374 H6 H66 2004 (Gottesman Reference and Stern Judaica Reference)Publication Date: 2004
- Holocaust Drama: The Theater of Atrocity byCall Number: PN1879 H65 P68 2009 (Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 2009
- Holocaust Theater: Dramatizing Survivor Trauma and its Effects on the Second Generation byCall Number: PN1650 H64 P575 2018 (Gottesman)Publication Date: 2018
- Historical Dictionary of Holocaust Cinema byCall Number: PN1995.9.H53 R46 2012 (Gottesman Reference and Stern Judaica Reference)Publication Date: 2012
- Theatrical Performance During the Holocaust: Texts, Documents, Memoirs byCall Number: PN3035 T485 1999 (Gottesman and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 1999
- While America Watches: Televising the Holocaust byCall Number: PN1992.8 H63 S53 1999 (Gottesman and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 1999
- Films of the Holocaust: An Annotated Filmography of Collections in Israel byCall Number: D804.3 S59 1990 (Gottesman Reference and Stern Judaica Reference)Publication Date: 1990
- At Memory's Edge: After-Images of the Holocaust in Contemporary Art and Architecture byCall Number: NX650 H57 Y68 2000 (Gottesman and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 2000
- Under the Shadow of the Swastika: The Moral Dilemmas of Resistance and Collaboration in Hitler's Europe byCall Number: D802 A2 B46 1999 (Gottesman)Publication Date: 1999
- Bibliographie "Widerstand" byCall Number: Z2241 A53 C37 1984 (Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: 1984
- Circles of Resistance: Jewish, Leftist, and Youth Dissidence in Nazi Germany byCall Number: DS134.255 C69 2009 (Gottesman)Publication Date: 2009
- Holocaust Heroes: Resistance to Hitler's 'Final Solution' byCall Number: D810 J4 F4 2016 (Gottesman)Publication Date: 2016
- How the Jews Defeated Hitler: Exploding the Myth of Jewish Passivity in the Face of Nazism byCall Number: D810 J4 G554 2013 (Gottesman and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 2013
- Fighters Among the Ruins: The Story of Jewish Heroism during World War II byCall Number: D810 J4 G855 1988 (Gottesman and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 1988
- Anthology on Jewish Resistance, 1939-1945 byCall Number: D810 J4 A6397 1985 (Gottesman and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 1985
- Against All Hope: Resistance in the Nazi Concentration Camps, 1938-1945 byCall Number: DD256.3 L3313 1994 (Gottesman)Publication Date: 1994
- Nazism, Resistance, and Holocaust in World War II: A Bibliography byCall Number: Z6374 H6 L37 1985 (Gottesman Reference and Stern Judaica Reference)Publication Date: 1985
- Women in the Resistance and in the Holocaust: The Voices of Eyewitnesses byCall Number: D811 A2 W58 1983 (Gottesman and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 1983
- Jewish Resistance: A Working Bibliography byCall Number: Z6374 H6 J485 1999 (Gottesman Closed Shelf)Publication Date: 1999
- Saving One's Own: Jewish Rescuers During the Holocaust byCall Number: D804.6 P35 2017 (Stern)Publication Date: 2017
- Those Who Never Yielded: The History of the Chassidic Rebel Movement in the Ghettos in German-Occupied Poland byCall Number: D810 J4 M35513 (Gottesman and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 1980
- They Fought Back: The Story of Jewish Resistance in Nazi Europe byCall Number: D810 J4 S75 1975 (Gottesman)Publication Date: 1975
- Blessed is the Match: The Story of Jewish Resistance byCall Number: D810 J4 S9 1976 (Gottesman)Publication Date: 1976
- Persecution and Resistance Under the Nazis byCall Number: Z2240 W5 1978 (Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: 1978
War Crimes and Criminals
- Genocide on Trial: War Crime Trials and the Formation of Holocaust History and Memory byCall Number: JX5434 B46 2001 (Gottesman)Publication Date: 2001
- The Specter of Genocide: Mass Murder in Historical Perspective byCall Number: HV6322.7 S654 2003 (Stern)Publication Date: 2003
- Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals Under Control Council Law No. 10 (15 Volume Set) byCall Number: D804.G42 A42 (Gottesman and Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: 1949-53
- Perpetrators: The World of the Holocaust Killers byCall Number: D804.3 L523 2017 (Gottesman)Publication Date: 2017
- Atrocities on Trial: Historical Perspectives on the Politics of Prosecuting War Criminals byCall Number: KZ1176 A87 2008 (Gottesman and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 2008
- Justiz und NS-Verbrechen: Sammlung deutscher Strafurteile wegen nationalsoizalistischer Totungsverbrechen, 1945-1966Call Number: D804 G43 C7 1968 (Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: 1968
- Uncertain Judgement: A Bibliography of War Crimes Trials byCall Number: Z6464 W33 L48 (Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: 1979
- Murderous Elite: The Waffen-SS and its Complete Record of War Crimes byCall Number: D804 G4 P685 2009 (Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: 2009
- Masters of Death: The SS-Einsatzgruppen and the Invention of the Holocaust byCall Number: D804.3 R53 2002 (Gottesman and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 2002
- The Trial of Adolf Eichmann: Record of Proceedings in the District Court of Jerusalem byCall Number: DD247 E5 E4713 1992 (Gottesman)Publication Date: 1992
- War Crimes, War Criminals, and War Crimes Trials: An Annotated Bibliography and Source Book byCall Number: Z6464 W33 T87 1986 (Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: 1986
- Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression byCall Number: D804 G42 A47 (Pollack, Pollack Reference, and Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: D804 G42 A47
Looted Assets and Reparations
- Holocaust Restitution: Perspectives on the Litigation and its Legacy byCall Number: KF6075 H65 2006 (Gottesman and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 2006
- The Plunder of Jewish Property During the Holocaust: Confronting European History byCall Number: D810 C8 P58 2001 (Gottesman)Publication Date: 2001
- Holocaust-Era Assets: A Finding Aid to Records at the National Archives at College Park, Maryland byCall Number: D804.19 U6 1999 (Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: 1999
- Nazi-Looted Jewish Archives in Moscow: A Guide to Jewish Historical Cultural Collections in the Russian State Military Archive byCall Number: Z6375 M6847 2010 (Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: 2010
- Stealing Home: Looting, Restitution, and Reconstructing Jewish Lives in France, 1942-1947 byCall Number: D810 C8 F65 2017 (Gottesman)Publication Date: 2017
- Stolen Words: The Nazi Plunder of Jewish Books byCall Number: D804.7 E26 G55 2016 (Gottesman and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 2016
- Confronting the Perpetrators: A History of the Claims Conference byCall Number: D819 G3 H46 2007 (Gottesman and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 2007
- Conquest and Redemption: A History of Jewish Assets from the Holocaust byCall Number: D804.7 E26 R53 2007 (Gottesman)Publication Date: 2007
- German Reparations and the Jewish World: A History of the Claims Conference byCall Number: D819 G3 Z95 1987 (Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 1987
Medical Aspects
- Murderous Medicine: Nazi Doctors, Human Experimentation, and Typhus byCall Number: R853 H8 B38 2005 (Gottesman and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 2005
- Devil's Doctors: Medical Experiments on Human Subjects in Concentration Camps byCall Number: D804 G4 B4613 1978 (Gottesman)Publication Date: 1978
- The Psychological and Medical Effects of Concentration Camps and Related Persecutions on Survivors of the Holocaust: A Research Bibliography byCall Number: Z6374.H6 E32 1985 (Gottesman Reference and Stern Judaica Reference)Publication Date: 1985
- Nazi Medicine: Doctors, Victims, and Medicine in Auschwitz byCall Number: D805 P7 N39 1986 (Gottesman)Publication Date: 1986
- Medical and Psychological Effects of Concentration Camps on Holocaust Survivors byCall Number: BF175 M435 1997 (Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: 1997
- A Physician Inside the Warsaw Ghetto, 1939-1943 byCall Number: DS134.64 L4613 2009 (Gottesman and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 2009
- The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide byCall Number: D804.G4 L54 1986 (Pollack and Gottesman)Publication Date: 1986
- Doctors of Infamy: The Story of the Nazi Medical Crimes byCall Number: D804 G43 M513 1949 (Gottesman)Publication Date: 1949
- Inhuman Research: Medical Experiments in German Concentration Camps byCall Number: R853 H8 P37 2006 (Gottesman)Publication Date: 2006
- Doctors from Hell: The Horrific Account of Nazi Experiments on Humans byCall Number: R853 H8 S68 2005 (Gottesman and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 2005
Collections of Documents
- Documents Concerning the Fate of Romanian Jewry during the Holocaust byCall Number: DS135.R7 D6 1986 (Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: 1986
- La Persecution des Juifs de France, 1940-1944 et le Retablissement de la Legalite Republicaine: Recuueil des Textes Officiels, 1940-1999 byCall Number: DS135 F83 M55 2000 (Gottesman Folio)Publication Date: 2000
- Documents on the Holocaust: Selected Sources on the Destruction of the Jews of Germany and Austria, Poland, and the Soviet Union byCall Number: D804.19 D63 1999 (Gottesman and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 1999
- The Einsatzgruppen Reports: Selections from the Dispatches of the Nazi Death Squads' Campaign Against the Jews, July 1941-January 1943 byCall Number: D804.3 E46 1989 (Gottesman and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 1989
- Documents of the Persecution of the Dutch Jewry, 1940-1945Call Number: D810.J4 A62513 1979 (Gottesman)Publication Date: 1979
- Archives of the Holocaust: An International Collection of Selected Documents byCall Number: D804.3 A7 1989 (Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: 1989
- Die Verfolgung und Ermordung der Europaischen Juden durch das Nationalsozialistische Deutschland, 1933-1945 byCall Number: D804.3 V47 2008 (Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: 2008
- Guide des sources documentaires sur la deportation conservées en France byCall Number: D810 J4 G824 1996 (Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: 1996
- Documents of Destruction; Germany and Jewry, 1933-1945 byCall Number: D810.J4 H52 (Pollack, Gottesman, and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 1971
- Sources of the Holocaust byCall Number: D804.19 S686 2004 (Gottesman Reference and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 2004
- Documents: The Jews in Greece, 1941-1944 Eyewitness Accounts byCall Number: DS135 G7 K575 1985 (Gottesman)Publication Date: 1985
- Recueil de Documents des Archives du Comité International de la Croix-Rouge sur le sort des Juifs de France Internés et Déportés 1939-1945 byCall Number: DS135 F83 R43 1999 (Gottesman)Publication Date: 1999
- The Nazi Holocaust: Historical Articles on the Destruction of European Jews byCall Number: D804.3 N39 (Gottesman Reference and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 1989
- Legalizing the Holocaust: The Early Phase, 1933-1939 byCall Number: D810 J4 H655 (Gottesman Reference and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 1982
- Das Dritte Reich und die Juden byCall Number: DS135 G3315 P64995 1978 (Gottesman)Publication Date: 1978
- Archiwum Ringelbluma : Konspiracyjne Archiwum Getta Warszawy byCall Number: In Process (Gottesman)Publication Date: 2019
- The Warsaw Ghetto Oyneg Shabes-Ringelblum Archive: Catalog and Guide byCall Number: DS134.64 R5637 2009 (Gottesman Reference and Stern Judaica Reference)Publication Date: 2009
- America and the Holocaust: A Thirteen-Volume Set Documenting the Acclaimed Book 'The Abandonment of the Jews' byCall Number: D804.3 A47 1989 (Gottesman Reference and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 1989
- Anti-Semitism in Euorpe: Sources of the Holocaust byCall Number: D810 J4 A63 (Gottesman and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 1976
Registers of Victims and Survivors
- Names: Names of Jews Deported from (Name of Hungarian County) byCall Number: DS135 H9 N48 (Gottesman Reference and Folio)Publication Date: 1991
- Benjamin and Vladka Meed Registry of Jewish Holocaust SurvivorsCall Number: D804.3 N37 1996 (Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: 1996
- The Holocaust in Lithuania 1941-1945: A Book of Remembrance byCall Number: DS135.R93 L5466 2002 (Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: 2002
- Gedenkbuch Berlins der Jüdischen Opfer des Nationalsozialismus: "Ihre Namen Mögen nie Vergessen Werden!"Call Number: DS135 G4 B4495 1995 (Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: 1995
- Gedenkbuch: Opfer der Verfolgung der Juden unter der nationalsozialistischen Gewaltjerrshaft in Deutschland, 1933-1945Call Number: DS135 G33 G37 2006 (Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: 2006
- In Memoriam [Le-Zekher]: Register of Dutch Holocaust VictimsCall Number: DS135.N4 I5 1995 (Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: 1995
- Register of Jewish Survivors byCall Number: D810 J4 J315 1945 (Gottesman Preserve)Publication Date: 1945
- Mémorial de la Déportation des Juifs de Belgique byCall Number: DS135 B4 M46 1982 (Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: 1982
- Mémorial de la déportation des Juifs de France : index alphabetique des convois 1 à 45, ceux de l'année 1942 byCall Number: DS135 F83 K43 2008 (Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: 2008
- Memorial Book for the Dead of the Mauthausen Concentration Camp byCall Number: D805.5 M38 G4313 2016 (Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: 2016
- How to Document Victims and Locate Survivors of the Holocaust byCall Number: D804.19 M65 1995 (Gottesman Reference and Stern Judaica Reference)Publication Date: 1995
- National Registry of Jewish Holocaust Survivors byCall Number: D804.3 N37 1993 (Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: 1993
- A Memorial Book of the Deportation of the Greek Jews byCall Number: DS135 G7 M45 2006 (Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: 2006
- Gedenkbuch für die Opfer des Konzentrationslagers Ravensbrück 1939-1945 byCall Number: D805.5 R38 G43 2005 (Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: 2005
- Death Books from Auschwitz byCall Number: D805 P7 D368 1995 (Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: 1995
- Holokauszt magyarországi áldozatainak névsora [Register of Hungarian Holocaust Victims] byCall Number: DS135 H9 H5847 2015 (Gottesman Folio Closed Shelf)Publication Date: 2015
- Archival Guide to the Collections of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum byCall Number: Z6374 H6 U55 2014 (Stern Judaica Reference)Publication Date: 2014
- Bibliography of Eastern European Memorial (Yizkor) Books byCall Number: DS135 P6 F77 1998 (Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: 1998
- Blackbook of Localities Whose Jewish Population was Exterminated by the NazisCall Number: D810 J4 Y322 (Gottesman, Gottesman Reference, and Stern Judaica Reference)Publication Date: 1965
- The Jewish Holocaust: An Annotated Guide to Books in English byCall Number: Z6374 H6 B46 1995 (Gottesman Reference and Stern Judaica Reference)Publication Date: 1995
- Bibliography of the Holocaust in Hungary byCall Number: DS135 H9 B6997 2011 (Gottesman Reference and Stern Judaica Reference)Publication Date: 2011
- Guide Europeen des Sources d’Archives sur la Shoah byCall Number: Z6374 H6 C459 1999 (Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: 1999
- Genocide: A Critical Bibliographic Review byCall Number: Z7164 G45 G45 1988b (Stern Judaica Reference)Publication Date: 1988
- Antisemitism: An Annotated Bibliography byCall Number: Z6374 A56 A57 1987 (Gottesman Reference and Stern Judaica Reference)Publication Date: 1987
- Shoah e Deportazione: Guida Bibliografica byCall Number: Z6374 H6 S45 2011 (Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: 2011
- Facing History and Ourselves: Holocaust and Human Behavior: Annotated Bibliography byCall Number: Z6374 H6 F33 1988 (Gottesman Reference and Stern Judaica Reference)Publication Date: 1988
- Bibliography on Holocaust Literature byCall Number: Z6374 H6 E28 1986 (Gottesman Reference and Stern Judaica Reference)Publication Date: 1986
- Bibliography on Holocaust Literature: Supplement byCall Number: Z6374 H6 E28 1986 Supplement (Gottesman Reference, Stern Judaica, and Stern Judaica Reference)Publication Date: 1986
- Greece in the 1940s: A Bibliographic Companion byCall Number: Z2296 F56 1981 (Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: 1981
- The Nazi Era, 1919-1945: A Select Bibliography of Published Works from the Early Roots to 1980 byCall Number: Z2240 K44 1982 (Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: 1982
- Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Epoch: An Annotated Bibliography of English-Language Works on the Origins, Nature, and Structure of the Nazi State byCall Number: Z2240 M33 1998 (Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: 1998
- The Columbia Guide to the Holocaust byCall Number: D804.3 N54 2000 (Gottesman Reference and Stern Judaica Reference)Publication Date: 2000
- Index to the New York Times Articles on the Holocaust, 1933-1948 byCall Number: Z6374 H6 I53 2001 (Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: 2001
- Reference Guide to Holocaust Literature byCall Number: PN56 H55 R43 2002 (Gottesman Reference and Stern Judaica Reference)Publication Date: 2002
- The Holocaust and After: Sources and Literature in English byCall Number: Z6366 R58 (Gottesman Reference and Stern Judaica Reference)Publication Date: 1973
- Guide to Unpublished Materials of the Holocaust Period byCall Number: Z6375 R58 (Gottesman, Gottesman Reference, and Stern Judaica Reference)Publication Date: 1970
- Educational Resource Guide on the Holocaust: A Selected Bibliography, Audio-Visual Catalogue and Web Guide byCall Number: Z6374 H6 S458 2004 (Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: 2004
- Memorial Volumes to Jewish Communities Destroyed in the Holocaust: A Bibliography of British Library Holdings byCall Number: Z6374 H6 T36 2004 (Gottesman Reference and Stern Judaica Reference)Publication Date: 2004
- First-Person Accounts of Genocidal Acts Committed in the Twentieth Century: An Annotated Bibliography byCall Number: Z7164 G45 T6 1991 (Gottesman Reference and Stern Judaica Reference)Publication Date: 1991
- Fotographie und Holocaust: Annotierte Bibliographie byCall Number: Z6374H6 W7635 1998 (Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: 1998
Encyclopedias and Guides
- The Geographical Encyclopedia of the Holocaust Hungary byCall Number: DS135 H9 G465 2013 (Gottesman Reference and Stern Judaica Reference)Publication Date: 2013
- History of the Holocaust: A Handbook and Dictionary byCall Number: D804.3 E33 1994 (Stern Judaica Reference)Publication Date: 1994
- Encyclopedia of the Holocaust byCall Number: D804.3 E53 1990 (Gottesman Reference and Stern Judaica Reference)Publication Date: 1990
- The Encyclopedia of the Righteous Among the Nations, Rescuers of Jews During the Holocaust byCall Number: D804.65 E339 2003 (Gottesman Reference and Stern Judaica Reference)Publication Date: 2003
- The Holocaust Chronicle: A History in Words and Pictures byCall Number: D804.25 H654 2000 (Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: 2000
- The Holocaust Encyclopedia byCall Number: D804.25 H66 2001 (Gottesman Reference and Stern Judaica Reference)Publication Date: 2001
- Jewish Responses to Persecution byCall Number: DS134.255 M38 2010 (Gottesman and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 2010
- The United States Holocaust Museum Encyclopedia of Camps and Ghettos, 1933-1945 byCall Number: D805 A2 U55 2009 (Gottesman, Stern, and Stern Judaica Reference)Publication Date: 2009
- The Yad Vashem Encyclopedia of the Ghettos During the Holocaust byCall Number: D805 A2 Y33 2009 (Gottesman Reference, Stern, Stern Judaica Reference)Publication Date: 2009
- Where Once We Walked: A Guide to the Jewish Communities Destroyed in the Holocaust byCall Number: DS135 E83 M65 2002 (Gottesman Reference and Stern Judaica Reference)Publication Date: 2002
- Remembering for the Future: The Holocaust in an Age of Genocide byCall Number: D804.18 R46 2001 (Gottesman Reference and Stern Judaica)Publication Date: 2001
- Encyclopedia of the Ghetto: The Unfinished Project of the Łódź Ghetto Archivists byCall Number: DS134.62 E53713 2017 (Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: 2017
- Holocaust Survivors: A Biographical Dictionary byCall Number: D804.3 T34 2007 (Gottesman Reference and Stern Judaica Reference)Publication Date: 2007
- Who's Who in Nazi Germany byCall Number: DD243 W48 1982 (Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: 1982
- The Encyclopedia of the Third Reich byCall Number: DD256.5 G76313 1991 (Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: 1991
- מאת יחיאל גרנטשטיין ומשה כהנוביץ ; מבוא נחמן בלומנטלCall Number: D810 J4 L36 1965 (Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: 1965
- אנציקלופדיה "שמע ישראל" : לתיעוד ולהנצחת מעשים של מסירות-נפש בשנות הזעם תרצ"ט-תש"ה (1939-1945) בגיטאות, במחנות העבודה, במחנות הריכוז ובמחנות ההשמדה / יוזם, מייסד ונשיא המפעל, אדמו"ר מקאליב ; עריכה והו"ל מכון "שמע ישראל".Call Number: D804.3 E58 1997 (Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: 1997
- פנקס הקהילות : אנציקלופדיה של היישובים היהודיים למן היווסדם ועד לאחר שואת מלחמת העולם השנייהCall Number: DS135.E83 P5 (Gottesman Reference)Publication Date: 1969